Posted by kerala anthropologist

     KERALA, PHONE: 0490 – 2346153, 2346270

        Programmes Offered:
         M.A. Anthropology
(Choice Based Credit Semester System)
        M.Phil. Anthropology
        Ph.D. in Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology, the only Department in the entire state of Kerala, was
established under the University of Calicut in its Thalassery Centre, in 1986. With the
bifurcation of Calicut University and the establishment of Kannur University in 1996, the
Department became part of the Kannur University, by virtue of its geographical location.

Anthropology is a bio-social science that systematically studies humanity from its
evolutionary origins to today’s cultural diversity. The subject has its intellectual origins in
both natural sciences and humanities. It attempts to unravel the human nature as a complex
amalgam of ecology, genetics, social structure, and cultural symbols, all interacting
continuously throughout one’s life. It concerns with all aspects of human species and human
behaviour, in all places and at all times. Its bio-social identity has earned for it a unique place
among all natural sciences as well as among all the social sciences and humanities. For the
same reason, Anthropology, which has come to occupy a unique position as a ‘Mirror for
Man’, has also been widely acclaimed as ‘the most humanistic among the sciences and the
most scientific among the humanities’. With its biological, archaeological, linguistic, and
cultural concerns, Anthropology has much to contribute to the understanding of the major
issues that divide contemporary society and endanger world peace.
Today, the discipline of anthropology is moving into new horizons with vigour.
Anthropological knowledge and field data have wider applications in various fields of human
action and encourages humanitarian considerations in policy decision and implementation.
Anthropology opens up a meaningful future for the young generation to pursue further
studies in Anthropology and future specialisation in the extending horizons within
Anthropology, more so, in its applied dimensions, as given below:

  •   Socio-Cultural Anthropology
  •   Archaeological Anthropology
  •   Biological Anthropology,
  •   Linguistic Anthropology
  •   Development Anthropology
  •   Educational Anthropology
  •   Rural Anthropology
  •   Urban Anthropology
  •   Industrial Anthropology
  •   Ecological Anthropology
  •   Anthropology of Folklore
  •   Anthropology of Communication
  •   Anthropology of Gender
  •   Anthropology of Aging and the Aged
  •   Demographic Anthropology
  •   Medical Anthropology
  •   Nutritional Anthropology
  •   Visual Anthropology
  •   Forensic Anthropology
  •   Cyber Anthropology, etc.
        The Department strives to conduct teaching, research and extension and the students are
oriented to study the conditions of human existence and human endeavours with a holistic
and interdisciplinary perspective, and with the aim to serve the society and the human beings

The department has the following well-trained, experienced and highly qualified Faculty
members who have been specialised in different fields of Anthropology.
       Dr S Gregory, Associate Professor and Head of the Department
       Dr Vineetha Menon, Professor
       Dr B Bindu, Assistant Professor
       Dr M.S. Mahendrakumar, Assistant Professor
       Dr. M. Sini, Assistant Professor
Technical Staff :
       Dr Seetha Kakkoth, Field Assistant
       Mr P. Shibu, Project Fellow – UGC SAP
The department also has, in its Panel of Experts, several renowned and competent
Anthropologists with whom the students get ample opportunities to interact and associate

Over the years the faculty members of the department have carried out extensive research in
the field of Tribal Studies, Local Self Government, Decentralisation, Education and Medical
aspects. The faculty members have also earned prestigious fellowships including Canadian
Commonwealth Scholarship, Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer Fellowship, Sir Ratan Tata
Fellowship, and CR Parekh Fellowship and have exposed to or undergone training in
prestigious institutions including the University of British Columbia and York University
(Canada) and London School of Economics and Political Science (UK).

The Faculty in the Department has got to its credit more than hundreds of research articles
published in many Anthropological and Social Science journals and in the edited volumes.
There are also several books, published and ethnographic video documentation done by the
Anthropology Faculty, some of which include the following:
2005. Alleviating Poverty—Local level Processes and Case Studies from the Developing
       World (Co-edited). New Delhi: Rainbow
2005. Utilization of space in a matrilineal household- A case of Kovilakam architecture,
       Anthropological Documentary
2006: Pecuniarisation – A New Theory of Social Change In India. New Delhi: Serials
2007: Mullukurumba Re-visited. New Delhi: Serials
2007: Social Change in Kerala: Insights from Micro-level Studies (Co-edited). New Delhi:
2008. Development, Livelihood. and Empowerment: Towards a Sustainable Paradigm, Based
       on Micro-Level Reflections of Decentralisation and People’s Planning in Kerala.
       Tellicherry: IRISH
2008: Confronting Violence Against Women. Engendering Kerala’s Development
       Experience. (Co-edited). New Delhi: Daanish
2008: Water Insecurity, Institutions and Livelihood Dynamics: A study in Plachimada,
       Kerala, India (Co-authored). New Delhi: Daanish
2010: Indigenous People of a Wayanad Valley, Anthropological Film

     The Department, has also undertaken ethnographic field work since 1989, as part of the M.A.
programme, among Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste, pastoral, fishing, temple servicing,
weaving, trading and other communities including Mullukurumba, Adiya, Paniya, Kattu
nayakkan, Karavazhi Pulayan, Kurichiya, Thachanadan Mooppan, Malavettuvan, Mala
Panickar, Parayan, Chakkiliya, Yadava, Arayan and Kollakkar, Ptarar, Chaliya, Keyi, Gowda
Saraswath Brahmins, and in villages such as Muzhappilangad and Andalur, etc.

Realising the significance of the subject in moulding the students at the intermediate level,
and convinced of its future prospects, the Government of Kerala has introduced
Anthropology as one of the subjects in two of the combinations in Humanities in the Plus-
Two Courses, namely, 
1) History, Economics, Political Science and Anthropology and 
2) Economics, Statistics, Anthropology and Social Work.

The department has been included under UGC’s Special Assistanc Programme for five years
starting from April 2007, the only teaching Department to earn this credit under Kannur
University. Under this programme, the Department has been undertaking research work and
carrying out ethnographic documentation of the tribes of Kerala. As part of this programme,
the Department is also conducting Week-long Special Lecture Programme every year by
inviting renowned and highly competent scholars in Anthropology. Another notable event
under the programme has been the annual National Seminars which provides unique
opportunity to the students to get themselves exposed to anthropology scholars across
Universities and states.

The Department has organised the following programmes:
i)    1988: National Seminar on Anthropology of Food-gathering Techniques sponsored
      by the UGC, New Delhi

ii)   1993: National Seminar Ethnomusicology sponsored jointly by the Central Institute of
      Indian Languages, Mysore and the University of Calicut

iii)  2001: Seminar on Cultural Heritage and Development of Kerala sponsored by the
      Kannur University as a part of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Centre

iv)     2005: National Seminar on Visual Anthropology sponsored jointly by Indira Gandhi
        Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal, and Anthropological Survey of India,
        Kolkata on 30 and 31 August 2005

v)      2006: Ten-day Training-cum-Workshop on Research Methodology sponsored by
        Ratan Tata Trust through the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
        from 20 to 29 March 2006

vi)     2008: UGC-SAP National Seminars on Development and Change, on 17 and 18
        March 2008

vii)  2008: ICSSR sponsored Inter- National Seminar on Social Change in Contemporary
       India on 19 March 2008

viii)   2009: UGC-SAP National Seminars on Indigeneity, Ecological Stress, Resource
        Conflicts and Adaptations on 10 and 11 March 2009

 ix) 2010: National Seminar on Women’s empowerment, Gender-Justice and Inclusive
        Development: Issues and Perspectives on Tribal India, Organized by the Department
        of Anthropology, Kannur University on 10 and 11 February 2010

x)      2011: National Seminar on Women’s empowerment, Gender-Justice and Inclusive
        Development: Issues and Perspectives on Tribal India, Organized by the Department
        of Anthropology, Kannur University on 10 and 11 February 2010               

 xi) The Department had organized the following programmes in collaboration with
        Kerala Institute for Research, Training and Development Studies of Scheduled
        Castes and Scheduled Tribes (KIRTADS) under the auspices  of the
        Anthropological Survey of India on the occasion of Golden Jubilee of Southern
        Regional Centre (1960-2010):
            a. 2011: Ten-Day Exhibition on Human Origins, Genome and People of India
                Between 13 and 23 December 2010 at Science Park
            b. 2011: Two Day-Workshop on Anthropological Research, Teaching and
                Training in Kerala: Retrospect and Prospects on 20 and 21 December 2010
           Apart from these, the Department has regularly organised several special lectures and
interactive sessions with competent professionals in Anthropology

The faculty of the Department has undertaken the following research projects:
   Village India project, to map various Cultural Zones of India with assistance from the
   UNESCO-IGNCA, New Delhi
Rural Infra-Structure project of NCAER, New Delhi

Research project on Primary Education sanctioned by the DPEP, Thiruvananthapuram

Research project on Decentralisation in Kerala under the KRPLLD of Centre for
Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, under the Multi-annual, Multi-disciplinary
Research Programme (MMRP) of the Dutch Ministry of Development Co-operation

UGC Major Research Project on A Medical Anthropological Study of a Cancer Prone
Kerala Village: An Interdisciplinary Research Project

Research Collaboration with Development Study Group, Dept. of Geography, Zurich
University with financial support by the Swiss National Centre for Capability in Research

Over 200 students have obtained their post-graduate degree in Anthropology from the
department since 1990. Of them, more than thirty-six students of this Department have
qualified NET-Lectureship including three who had achieved Junior Research Fellowship
(JRF). The department has produced so far eight Ph.Ds and four M.Phils. There are twelve
scholars who are pursuing their doctoral research and eight scholars currently doing their
M.Phil research in the Department. Several of our students have done or are currently
pursuing their Ph.D and/or M.Phil research in other Departments of Anthropology and
prestigious Institutes including the Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, Hyderabad
Central University, Pondicherry Central University, and MG University Kottayam.

Anthropologists are employed in various capacities, as specialists, researchers, consultants,
administrators, teachers, and trainers in government and private agencies concerned with
welfare, drug abuse, mental health, environmental impact, housing, education, foreign aid,
agricultural development, tourism, entertainment, cultural relations and as consultants for
multi-national firms.
The Alumni of the Department have been occupying prominent positions in different walks
of life. Ever since the first batch of M.A. Anthropology students passed out from the
Department in 1990, this Department has produced several competent anthropologists. Our
students have secured positions and working in several prestigious institutions including
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOOU), New Delhi, TATA Institute of Social
Sciences    (TISS),   Mumbai,     Central    University Hyderabad,      Madras    University,
Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI), Kerala Institute for Research, Training and
Development for the SCs and STs (KIRTADS), Kozhikode, and the Botanical Survey of
India, Pune. A majority of the faculty in our own Department are also those who have passed
out from the same Department. There are several others who have been employed as Higher
Secondary teachers, and in various positions in the government Departments, Local self-
government and planning, and in the Non-Government Organisations within and outside
Kerala. There is a high demand for anthropologists in research situations including World
Bank and UNESCO sponsored projects. Anthropology has been one of the highly opted
subjects in the Civil Service Examinations. Moreover, in Kerala, there are increasing
opportunities for anthropology professionals with the prospects of opening Off-campus
centres of the National Tribal University, establishing of Tribal study centres under different
Universities and the increasing efforts in the development of weaker sections and of the
marginalized people. There is also an increasing realization and emerging demand for
anthropologically-trained personnel in several human and culture-related fields and in the
decentralized local governance as Officers, Investigators and Researchers.

The Department offers M.A., M. Phil. and Ph.D. Degree Courses in Anthropology. Semester
pattern has been introduced for the M. A. and M. Phil. Degree courses from the academic
year 2000 and Credit/Semester pattern introduced for the M. A. and M. Phil. in 2006. From
2010 onwards the Department is in the process of introducing the Choice-Based Credit
Semester System.
For admission to M. Phil. Degree in Anthropology, the candidate should have passed M.A.
degree in Anthropology. The selection is based on an entrance test. The seats sanctioned for
the M. Phil degree course is five. The Ph.D. programme in the Department was started in
1989. There are six approved research guides in the department.

Programme of Study: M.A. in anthropology (Under Choice Based Credit Semester System)

Duration of the Programme: Two Years (Four Semesters and 450 hours per semester)

Programme Structure: The programme has three major components viz., Core Course
(CC), Elective Course (EC) and Open Course (OC). The number of credits awarded for each
course would correspond to its equivalent contact hours per week. The Core courses in the
first and in the second semesters would be of 5 credits each, and in the third semester, would
be of 6 credits each. Field work and Dissertation with a weightage of 10 credits would form                 the Core course in the fourth semester, which would have two Elective Courses with four
credits each.

Semester-wise Details of Course Components with respective credits are given below:

Title of the Course

First Semester

Social and Cultural Anthropology

Peoples and Cultures of India

Techniques of Anthropological Research

Tribes of India


Second Semester

Biological Anthropology

Biological Anthropology - Practical

Archaeological Anthropology

Archaeological Anthropology - Practical


Third Semester
Anthropological Thought
Development Anthropology
Ecological Anthropology
Elective Course
Fourth Semester
Elective Course
Elective Course
Field Work and Dissertation
Grand Total

                                                          Total Credits under Core Courses : 68
                                                         Total Credits under Elective Courses : 12

Elective Courses: The Department Council would decide upon the specific elective paper that would be offered in the specific semester. More Elective paper could be available than the required number in a particular semester depending on the availability of the Faculty and the minimum number of students required for a particular paper, as per the norm specified by the University. A possible list of Elective Courses are furnished below
Title of the Course
Visual Anthropology
Medical Anthropology
Applied and Action Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Anthropology of Folklore

There could also be other such courses that could be added to the list in future.
Open Courses (OC): The Department intends to offer the following Open Courses which are open for the students of other Departments: 
Title of the Course
Participatory Research
Tourism and Culture
Gender and Space

The availability and the timing of these courses and introduction of new courses would depend upon the availability of the Faculty and other requirements and would be communicated to other departments in due time.
Ethnographic Field Work and Field Report:
The supervised fieldwork for 30 days mostly in a tribal, rural or urban area is an essential component of the M.A. programme in Anthropology. This is undertaken after the completion of the Third Semester. The students are allotted a specific topic each and based on the data collected during the Field Work, a Dissertation is submitted at the end of the Semester. A Viva-Voce is conducted as part of the evaluation of the Dissertation.
Study Tour and Archaeological Field Visits
Study tour involving Archaeological Field Visits, Community Visits and Institutional Visits form part of the programme, with the aim to expose the students to have a first hand experience of the field reality and academic encounters.
Research Forum
The Research Forum of the Department organizes weekly seminars, talks, presentations and discussions on various themes of inter-disciplinary nature, involving professionals, subject experts, and academicians from within and outside, including experts from abroad, as well as the research Scholars and the Faculty of the Department.
The Department seeks to provide a student-friendly atmosphere to develop well-groomed anthropologist with a humanistic perspective. The Department intends to transform the students into well-integrated and holistic personalities with a socially inclined and critical outlook and a relativist perspective that fits a professional anthropologist. For this, the pedagogy adopted would be based on a learner-centred approach involving lectures, group discussions, debates, seminars, assignment, field exposure, and social interaction. The students are also encouraged to realize the dignity of human labour, and to make use of the opportunities to explore their hidden talents and creative expressions and each of these activities are given due credits in the overall accomplishment of their education.
The Department of Anthropology provides a family atmosphere and offers the students with a well-knit infrastructure to facilitate a student-friendly ambiance for learning.
Smart Class Room and Computer and Internet Access
The class rooms are equipped with LCD and Overhead Projectors and computer facilities. The students have ample access to computers and internet as well as to audio and video equipments.
The Department has a well-equipped and growing Laboratory to expose the students with biological anthropology techniques including Anthropometry, Craniometry, Somatometry and Somatoscopy. The Laboratory is also equipped with stone tools and artefacts to carry out practicals in Archaeological Anthropology.
Museum, an inalienable part of the Departments of Anthropology is essential to teaching of almost all branches of anthropology. The Department of Anthropology has a small and well-maintained Museum with a good number of collections of artefacts and specimens, as well as of material and cultural objects associated with different economic and social niches. The Department is planning to take a long stride in building up a truly large Anthropological and Heritage Museum that would capture the cultural contours of the ethnic and indigenous communities of the Malabar region and of the entire state of Kerala.
The department has a rich library containing more than 2700 books and monographs on wide range of anthropological topics. The students also have access to INFLIBNET facilities through which they can access world-class journals in Anthropology.
Hostel Facility
Well-furnished hostel facility is available within the University Campus, for a limited number of outstation girl students.
Number of Seats:
The total number of intake will be 15
Reservation rules for admission to various courses of studies in the Kannur University Teaching Departments will be applicable.
Eligibility for Admission:
Candidates holding any Bachalor’s Degree obtained from any University in India and recognized by Kannur University, with not less than 50% marks in Part III, are eligible to apply. Relaxation in marks will be given to specific categories as per the University Admission Rules for Master’s Degree Course.
Selection Procedure:
The selection shall be from the rank list prepared on the basis of the following criteria:
a) 50 % of Marks Scored (either directly or by conversion from Grades obtained) in Qualifying Degree (including Part I, Part II and Part III)
b) Entrance Examination (Objective type) conducted by the University: 50% of marks
The list of selected candidates will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Department of Anthropology, Kannur University Thalassery Campus, Palayad. Candidates selected are to remit the fees and submit all the original documents at the time of admission. Candidates are requested to verify the date of interview which will be published through press release and also on the Notice Board of the Department. 
The following is the fee structure for M.A. Programme

Fee particulars
I Sem
II Sem
IIi Sem
IV Sem
Admission Fee

Student Affiliation Fee

Tuition fee
Library fee
Special fee


Sports affiliation fee


University Union fee


Student welfare


Caution deposit


Fee concession available as per the Government rules (ie, KPCR fee concession available to financially weaker section of OBC and FC communities.)

The completed application form along with the entrance test admission card, attested copies of relevant documents and with the required amount of fee as DD/Chalan obtained from any branch of SBT drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Kannur University payable at SBT, Kannur University Campus Branch should be submitted on or before the last date notified by the university to:
The Head,
Department of Anthropology,
Kannur University, Thalassery Campus,
Palayad (PO), Kannur (Dist), Pin: 670 661
For Further Contact:
Tel: 0490-2346153; 2346270, Cell: 9048738988; E mail:


  1. Messenger

    will a student get admission in ma anthropology after passing ba degree from ignoue distance education ?

  1. unknown

    very nice home student login

  1. unknown

    when admissions is open home student login

  1. Suman kumar

    You will get admission

  1. Unknown

    Did BBA degree holder will get the MA anthropology admission?

  1. Inquisitive

    From where can I get 11 and 12 books of Anthropology

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